Norman Tang's Blog

Just another WordPress site

January 11, 2016
by admin

Volunteer at Mind Newport

For those who don’t know, I am currently a volunteer for the Mental Health charity Mind.  I work part time in a reception where I do admin duties.

I am thinking of leaving this behind to pursue a career as a Buddhist Monk at Amaravati Monastery  in Hemel Hempstead.  This would allow me to live a life that doesn’t involve chasing after the pound and becoming a consumer rather than a producer.

Please let me know what you think of this life direction by leaving a comment.

Metta to everyone.

January 1, 2016
by admin

Happy New Year 2016

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.  What will you be up to this year?  I am thinking of attending the Buddhist Monastery in Hemel Hempstead for at least a month.

I hope that all your dreams come true for the year.  Many happy returns!

December 25, 2015
by admin

Wishing you a Merry Christmas 2015

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I would like to thank all the people who have become members and commented on the Blog.

It’s been a great year and my resolution is to write in this Blog more often.

Cheers and have a good one!

May 11, 2015
by admin

Becoming a Buddhist Monk

I’m going to become a Buddhist monk, which means following a path that means giving up a few luxuries, and embracing the middle way.

My original goal was to help as many people achieve enlightenment, and becoming a monk would be the ideal way to achieve this, plus my website.

I hope that people will read my documents online, and follow the Buddhist way as a result.

March 10, 2015
by admin
1 Comment

Web Design course

I am currently doing a web design course at Charles Street Education Centre.  The course should equip me with the skills to create great looking and functioning web sites.

I am also brushing up on my knowledge of HTML, using an online course.

Hopefully I will gain a good qualification at the end.  I’m also designing a website for Friends of St. Anne’s Hospice, but it is currently on hold.

January 1, 2015
by admin

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you have a good one.  I can’t believe it’s 2015 already, and we can look forward to hover boards, self lacing shoes and flying cars.

Didn’t stay up this year to see all the wonderful fireworks – I fell asleep listening to John Williams Greatest Hits (some epic music).

Have you any New Year’s Resolutions?  Mine is not to eat too much and lose weight.

December 25, 2014
by admin

Happy Christmas 2014

I can’t believe it’s Christmas already.  I’m going to spend the morning with my housemates, and the afternoon with my family.

Gave and received a lot of presents today, including a custom towel with my name on it.

What are you up to today?


July 21, 2014
by admin

Rediscovering Mindfulness

I am currently reading a book called ‘Mindfulness:  Finding Peace in a Frantic World.’   This book finally opened my eyes to the importance of finding calmness in my mind.

I have previously touched upon the idea of mindfulness at my local Buddhist Centre, but this book goes into more detail than I previously anticipated.

Gone is the simplistic counting after each out breath, and replacing this is the concept of breathing into the area of the body where the ever present thoughts affect.

Here is a link to the site:

Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World

May 19, 2014
by admin

What if the world were like the Simpsons?

As you may be aware of the universe of the Simpsons doesn’t follow the rules of time, as every character doesn’t age.  Wouldn’t it be cool if everyone on this Earth were like the Simpsons and remained immortal?

What do you think about this?  Wouldn’t it be great if you could stay permanently 8 years old (like Lisa)?

March 18, 2014
by admin

I am the crew of the Enterprise

Three and a half years ago, when I was diagnosed as a Schizophrenic, I experienced some dissociative symptoms and I believed that I was both Captain Kirk and Spock.  The irrational and logical personalities really clashed, and I believed that I was the two characters combined.  Some notable pairs that I believed I was, were Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, and Jesus and God.

These split personalities evolved into the entire crew of the Enterprise,  acting as captain, commander and communications, as well as engineering.   The hospital I stayed in became the Star Ship Enterprise, with the flat screen television as the view screen, and my bed being the quarters.

What about you?